Meet Jessica Martin: The Heart Behind Our HR Team

At Alternatives, Inc., our mission is driven by the dedicated and passionate individuals who make up our team. This month, we are proud to spotlight Jessica Martin, our Human Resources Generalist, who plays a vital role in supporting our employees and ensuring the...

Employee Spotlight: Meet Jen Porter

A Dedicated Leader in Addiction Recovery at Passages Jen Porter, the Program Supervisor at Passages for the Alcohol and Drug Treatment (ADT) and Passages’ Addiction Recovery Center (PARC) programs, has been a vital part of Alternatives, Inc. for the past decade. As a...

Employee Spotlight: Meet Tanna Eschenko

Bringing Heart and Support to AlphaHouse At Alternatives Inc., where each individual plays a crucial role in fostering rehabilitation and support, Tanna Eschenko shines brightly as an Administrative Support Assistant within the AlphaHouse program. With her dedicated...

Summer, 2023 Newsletter

Passages Addiction Recover Center; Recruitment Strategy, Targeted Case Management, DWI Courts Operational Tune Up; Creating a Safe Environment for Residents: The Prison Rape Elimination Act; Alternatives, Inc.’s Program Committee; Enactus: Award Winning Rocky...