Prison Rape Elimination Act

Alternatives, Inc. has zero tolerance relating to the sexual abuse or sexual harassment of offenders under our supervision, either by other offenders or staff members.  Alternatives, Inc. recognizes these offenders as victims of a crime and will immediately respond to allegations, investigate reported incidents, pursue disciplinary action and refer for investigation and prosecution of those staff and offenders who perpetrate such conduct.

PREA Coordinator

Rick Deady, PREA Coordinator:  406-256-3501 ext. 245 or [email protected]; 2120 3rd Avenue North, Billings, MT  59101

PREA Managers

Alpha House Director John Williams: 406-259-9695 ext. 129 or [email protected]; 3109 1st Avenue North, Billings, MT  59101

Passages Director Gina Poor: 406-294-9609 ext. 215 or [email protected]; 1001 South 27th Street, Billings, MT  59101


Family and friends can report allegations of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and retaliation to Alternatives, Inc. by calling, emailing, or writing the PREA Coordinator, PREA Managers, or by contacting the following third party entities:

Great Falls Transition Center, 1019 15th Street North, Great Falls, MT  59401; 406-727-0944

YWCA, 909 Wyoming Avenue, Billings, MT  59101; 406-245-4472


3rd Party Reporting MOU

Billings Police Department MOU

Billings YWCA Support

Alternatives, Inc. PREA Policy

Alternatives, Inc. Internal PREA Investigator Description and Duties Policy

Annual Reports

PREA Annual Report 2019

PREA Annual Report 2020

PREA Annual Report 2021

PREA Annual Report 2022

PREA Audits

As prescribed by the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA), Alternatives, Inc. and Alpha House and Passages recently completed its 3rd PREA audit.  Beginning in August of 2013, PREA requires Adult Community Corrections Facilities to have an audit conducted for each facility once every three years.  In July of 2016 and May of 2019, Alpha House and Passages was audited by a US Department of Justice (USDOJ) approved PREA Auditor.

In April of 2022, Alpha House and Passages had our most recent audit conducted.  With the retirement of the USDOJ approved auditor for our 2016 and 2019 audits, Alternatives, Inc. retained a new USDOJ auditor, Mr. Ken Arnold.  Mr. Arnold was at Alpha House on April 18 – 19, 2022, and at Passages on April 20 – 21, 2022.  During the on-site audit, Mr. Arnold interviewed a combination of 55 staff/volunteers/residents at Alpha House and 60 staff/volunteers/residents at Passages. Following the on-site audit, Alternatives, Inc. received the interim report for Alpha House on June 27, 2022, and for Passages on June 30, 2022. 

For Alpha House, the interim report indicated: 1 Standard Exceeded: 115.213 Supervision and Monitoring; 35 Standards met; and 5 Standards not met: 115.216 Residents with disabilities and residents who are limited English proficient; 115.217 Hiring and promotion decisions; 115.231 Employee training; 115.253 Resident access to outside confidential support services and 115.283 On-going medical and mental health care for sexual abuse victims and abusers.

For Passages, the interim report indicated: 1 Standard Exceeded: 115.213 Supervision and Monitoring; 34 Standards met; and 6 Standards not met: 115.216 Residents with disabilities and residents who are limited English proficient; 115.217 Hiring and promotion decisions; 115.231 Employee training; 115.253 Resident access to outside confidential support services; 115.273 Reporting to residents; and 115.283 On-going medical and mental health care for sexual abuse victims and abusers.

Upon receipt of the interim report, Alpha House and Passages entered a 180-day Corrective Action Phase to correct the Standards not met.  PREA Coordinator worked with Alpha House and Passages staff revising policies, procedures, forms, and providing training to applicable staff and presenting documentation to Mr. Arnold demonstrating the corrective actions taken to meet the missed standards.  On December 16, 2022, Alpha House received the final PREA report certifying that Alpha House had fully met all PREA Standards and on December 17, 2022, Passages received the final PREA report certifying Passages had fully met all PREA Standards.

Copies of these reports and previous PREA Reports can be found on the Alternatives, Inc. Webpage under the PREA tab. The next PREA Audits will be conducted in early 2025.

The Final Audit Reports for 2022 are available for review by clicking the links below:

Alpha House PREA Final Report

Passages PREA Final Report

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2120 3rd Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101




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