

In November 2018, Alternatives purchased additional office space in the downtown area (2120 3rd Avenue North) due to the expansion of community client treatment services, as well as growth to the residential programs. With the growth of treatment services in the Billings’ community and the need for more counseling space, Alternatives created Compass.

Counseling services provided at Compass range from Substance Abuse Disorder and Mental Health treatment to Partner Family Member Assault programming and ACT/Prime for Life.

Compass recognizes the foundation for effective treatment of substance abuse begins with a comprehensive assessment and an individualized treatment plan completed by a licensed/certified staff member. These assessments and plans determine the diagnostic impressions based on the DSM 5 and the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) criteria. Building off a client’s strengths, needs, and treatment readiness, we utilize evidence-based treatment modalities that promote change thinking and pro-social behaviors that promote substance-free and crime-free lifestyles.

While Compass provides many services to offenders at the felony, misdemeanor, and pre-trial adjudication, the creation of the “ABC” building and Compass program provides opportunities for non-offender treatment services. As a Montana State approved DPHHS SUD and MH provider, Alternatives is able to direct bill insurance agencies including Medicaid, providing an additional option for the residents of Billings, Montana. Services at ABC provide a “one-stop-shop” for community treatment, supervision, and testing through partnerships with the Beta Jail Alternatives program and Alternatives administrative offices such as accounting and records.

Compass and the ABC building are proud to serve the Billings’ community by offering evidence based Continuum of Care options promoting client centered treatment.

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2120 3rd Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101




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