Working at Alternatives

Why work here?

Corrections is a challenging and rewarding career.  Alternatives, Inc.’s clients are at a crossroad in their lives where the opportunity for growth and change is evident and the potential for relapse is present.

Working with offenders requires a confident personality and a willingness to set firm limits.  The ability to work with others in a Team environment is a key to effectiveness and job satisfaction.  The power of a Team is greater than the sum of the individuals, makes difficult decisions easier, and reduces staff stress and burnout.

Employment at Alternatives requires a great deal of motivation and energy.  You will be called on to multi-task, to exercise sound reasoning and decision making, and to perform important documentation responsibilities.

If you enjoy helping others change their lives, have good boundaries, enjoy work that is never dull and always challenges you, and work well in a team environment then you can succeed at Alternatives, Inc.  The reward is a career path with opportunities for growth and advancement both within the agency and in the field of corrections.

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2120 3rd Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101




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